Wednesday 16 November 2016

Zubair Ansari Noha Hussian Tujh Jesa Zamane Me Koe Nahe. At Qamar Bani Hasim Imam Bargah Nawabshah

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Zubair Ansari Noha Hussian Tujh Jesa Zamane Me Koe Nahe. At Qamar Bani Hasim Imam Bargah Nawabshah

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Saturday 29 October 2016

Hassan Sadiq 2017 Noha Mantan Lahawan Nana

Hassan Sadiq 2017 Noha Mantan Lahawan Nana
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Sunday 23 October 2016

Gader Why Big Eid Muslims

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اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيْكَ يا أبا عَبْدِ اللهِ

اَلسَّلامُ  عَلَيْكَ يا أبا عَبْدِ اللهِ ،
وَعَلَى الْاَرواحِ الَّتى حَلَّتْ بِفِنائِكَ ،
عَلَيْكَ مِنّى سَلامُ اللهِ اَبَداً ما بَقيتُ وَبَقِىَ اللَّيْلُ وَ النهارُ ،

وَلا جَعَلَهُ اللهُ آخِرَ الْعَهْدِ مِنّى لِزِيارَتِكُمْ ،
اَلسَّلامُ عَلَى الْحُسَيْنِ ،
وَعَلى عَلِىِّ بْنِ الْحُسَيْنِ ،
وَعَلى اَوْلادِ الْحُسَيْنِ ،
وعلى أخيه أبي الفضل العباس ،
وأخته الحوراء زينب بطله كربلاء ،
وَعَلى اَصْحابِ الْحُسَيْن ،
ورحمة الله وبركاته.
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Monday 10 October 2016

First look of Ali Shanawar & Ali Jee's Album YA ALI MADAD 2016

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Ali Jee's Promo 2016 | Ya Ali a.s Madad

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Nadeem Sarwar 2016 First Look "BADHSHAH HUSSAIN a.s"

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Ali Jee Em Shab 2016 Subtitles Available in English

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Ali Shanawar Ya Ali Madad 2016 Subtitles Available in English

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Ali Jee Noha Salute You Hussain 2016

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Ali Shanawar Noha Pani Piyo 2016 | Subtitles Available in English

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Ali Shanawar The One And Only Hussain 2016 Subtitles Available in Urdu & English

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Ali Jee Noha Baba 2016

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Ali Shanawar & Ali Jee | Khoon Barsa | 2016 Subtitles Available in English

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Nadeem Sarwar Noha Badshah Hussain 2016

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Nadeem Sarwar Kya Andhera 2016

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Nadeem Sarwar | Meda Nuqsan (Saraiki) | 2016

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Nadeem Sarwar | Ye Kaun Gira | 2016

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Nadeem Sarwar | Mediney Jaun | 2016

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Nadeem Sarwar | Ya Haider | 2016

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Nadeem Sarwar | Ay Alam Dar e Man | 2016

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Nadeem Sarwar | Hallo Momino (Sindhi) | 2016

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Nadeem Sarwar | Aey Kufio | 2016

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Noha Khuwan Zubair Ali Ansari 09 Akbar A s Di Umar Daraz Hoye 2017

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Thursday 29 September 2016

Labik Ya Hussain

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Khake Shifa

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Farman imam Reza (As)

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Salam Ya Hussain

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Tuesday 30 August 2016

Supplant of grid encased tomb of Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him ) In Garmany

The gallery of the Imam Hussein blessed Shrine is get ready to take an interest in the universal show, which will be held in Cologne City, Germany.

The staff of the gallery has made an imitation of the cross section encased tomb of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) which will be shown in the presentation.

The chief of the historical center, Ahmed Dhya' Ed-Deen, said that the structure of the reproduction has stylish and imaginative qualities that meet the essence of all societies and religion

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Monday 29 August 2016

Nohy Khuwan Zubair Ali Ansari New Album 2016-17 Coming Soon

Nohy Khuwan Zubair Ali Ansari New Album 2016-17 Coming Soon

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Tuesday 16 August 2016

History Syeda Zainab (as)


Name: Zainab (as) 

Title: Siddiqua-e-Sughra 

Kunyat: Umm-al-Masaib 

Conceived : At Madina On fifth Jamadi-al-Awwal fifth Year after Hijrah 

Granddad: Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.) 

Terrific mother: Umm-ul-Mumineen Hadrat Khadija-e-Kubra 

Father: Imam Ali(A.S.) 

Mother: Hadrat Fatima Zahra(A.S.)

Sayyeda Zainab (s.a.), the girl of Imam Ali (a.s.) and Sayyeda Fatima (s.a.), was a commendable lady of awesome capacity, knowledge, learning, understanding, mettle and steadiness; she played out her celestial obligations to the best of her capacity. She was destined to a family framed by the Prophet (SAW), the most remarkable figure ever. The Prophet's significant other Sayyeda Khadija (s.a.) a committed lady, was her maternal grandma, and her fatherly grandma was Fatima little girl of Assad, who mothered and breast fed the Prophet (SAW). The individuals from the family, in trio various leveled request, were all incredible. 

Sayyeda Zainab (s.a.) was a splendid star in the command sky that got beams of sacredness from the five suns. It was through her sacred causes and devout enlightenment that she showed so incredible a guts in Karbala (Iraq). 

The life of the little girl of Sayyeda Al-Zahra (s.a.) was constantly weighed down with hardships, yet she never dreaded adapting to troubles, this improved her continuance and hoisted her spirit.

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Sehan Of Shrine Imam Hussain As. Karbala

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History Hazrat Abbas Alamdar (A.S.)

Hazrat Abbas was the child of Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib. His mom's name was Fatima, who was otherwise called "Ummul Banin". She was the little girl of Huzam Ibne Khalid, a renowned individual of the Kalb-a tribe, which was recognized for it gallantry.

Hazrat Abbas was conceived in Medina on seventh Rajab 26 A.H. At the point when the news of his introduction to the world came to Hazrat Ali, he prostrated himself on the ground as a token of his modest on account of Allah. Imam Hussain took the child in his arms and discussed the Azan and Eqamat (call for supplications) in his privilege and left ears individually. At that point the new-conceived child opened his eyes to see the substance of Imam Hussain, before taking a gander at any other person. On the seventh day of his introduction to the world, the service of Aqeeqa (which is one of the underscored sunnats) was performed and Hazrat Ali named him Abbas

Hazrat Abbas was a towering and good looking identity. His dauntless boldness, preeminent certainty and undeterred reliability earned him numerous titles. He was called "Qamar-e-Bani Hashim" (the moon of the Hashemites), as a result of his forcing appearance.

His astounding horsemanship made him "Syed-ul-Forosan" (the head of horseman). His capacity to lead individuals brought about his being called "Rais-ul-Shujan" (the pioneer of the valiant), and the way in which he yielded his life earned him the title "Afzal-ul-Shohada" (the choicest of the saints) and "Saqqa" (water bearer), since he relinquished his life with an end goal to obtain water for Imam Hussain's youngsters in the sad clash of Kerbala. He completely satisfied his name Abbas, which in Arabic stands for Lion.

Hazrat Ali, who himself was known as the "Lion of God", raised Hazrat Abbas and capably guided him until he was fourteen years of age. The following ten years of Hazrat Abbas' life were spent under the cautious eye of Imam Hasan, and the most recent ten years with Imam Hussain. Subsequently it was no little ponder that Hazrat Abbas procured close flawlessness in such a variety of parts of life. His chivalry, intensity and bold standpoint were acquired from Hazrat Ali. Imam Hasan showed him persistence and resistance. His lion-hearted reliability and benevolent nature were the aftereffects of his relationship with Imam Hussain.

Imam Jafer Sadiq (A.S.) has said: "I take the stand, Abbas, that you have achieved the peak of flawlessness in the matter of self-abdication, devotion and dutifulness.

Imam Zain-ul-Abedeen (A.S.) has said: "May Allah shower His gifts on my uncle Abbas. The way in which he set out his life for his sibling, Imam Hussain, indicated preeminent selflessness. He battled valiantly to ensure Imam Hussain, and it was simply after he lost both his arms that he fell. Allah re remunerated him by giving upon him in paradise, two wings to fly with. Verily, the spot of Hazrat Abbas before Allah is high to the point, that every one of the saints will begrudge him on fates day"

Hazrat Ali's longing was to guarantee that Hazrat Abbas lectured the religion of Islam and served the prophet's family. Hazrat Abbas saw his first fight when just eleven. This was the clash of Siffen. One day he showed up completely camouflaged, conceal and defensively covered, on the front line. At the point when Ibn-e-Shasa, a courageous and popular Syrian warrior saw the conceal individual, he solicited one from his seven children to kill him. Rather, the child was rapidly put down. So also, the other six children attempted to battle this conceal warrior, however they all met the same destiny. At long last, Ibn-e-Shasa himself approached and the way in which he was likewise beaten, made the various individuals gaze in dismay. At that point they thought his covered warrior to be Hazrat Ali, and nobody set out to approach and battle. Be that as it may, when Hazrat Abbas evacuated the cover, individuals were astounded to note that he was not Hazrat Ali, but rather, the inheritor of Hazrat Ali's courage.

Hazrat Abbas' commitment, appreciation and friendship for Imam Hussain was deep to the point, that he used to love the very ground Imam Hussain strolled on. Truth be told, it is said that he used to apply to his eyes, the dust from Imam Hussain's feet. He hated anybody coming first in serving Imam Hussain. Indeed, even as a youthful youngster, he kept others from serving Imam Hussain. It is said that once Imam Hussain, was available with his Holy father Hazrat Ali in the mosque of Kufa, felt parched and requested water from Qamber (a surely understood and dutiful worker of Hazrat Ali). at the point when Qamber rose to bring the water, Hazrat Abbas who was then an extremely youthful kid, requested that Qamber quit, saying that he would himself bring the water for his lord.

He stayed adjacent to Imam Hussain as far back as they cleared out Medina and he was adored by every one of the individuals from the Imam's family. He was so dedicated to Imam Hussain, that when Shimr Ibne Ziljoshan, the second in charge of Yazid's armed force came towards Imam Hussain and got out: "Where are my nephews, Abbas, Abdullah, Jafar and Utman?" Hazrat Abbas declined to try and answer. It was simply after Imam Hussain let him know: "Answer him, on the grounds that, regardless of the way that he is degenerate, he is one of your relations", that Hazrat Abbas asked Shimr what he needed. Shimr answered: "O my nephews I have extraordinarily approached Obaidullah Ibne Zaid for the wellbeing of all of you. So why do you wish to execute yourselves with Hussain? Why do you not join the strengths of the compelling Yazid?"

Hazrat Abbas took a gander at him with hatred and countered, "May Allah's fierceness fall upon you and your suggestion, O adversary of God! How could you advise us to abandon our lord, Imam Hussain and tie ourselves up with the degenerate and confused Yazid?" Shimr pivoted and left indignantly.

Finally the fight began and the mates of Imam Hussain, vigorously dwarfed by the adversary, started to fall. The three siblings of Hazrat Abbas: Abdullah, Jafar and Uthman, and also Hazrat Abbas' two children, Fazl and Qasim, battled with uncommon valor before being executed.

The cries of water brought by the youngsters up in Imam Hussain's camp upon the arrival of Ashura, profoundly lamented Hazrat Abbas. Subsequent to taking authorization from Imam Hussain, he took the void water-narrows of Janab-e-Sukaina, the girl of Imam Hussain, and rode towards the stream Euphrates. Slicing through the general population of Yazid's armed force, he raced to the bank of the stream, filled the pack with water, and began towards the camp. Yazid's armed force surrounded the courageous Hazrat Abbas. He kept the water-pack in one hand and began battling with the other. At the point when both his hands were disjoined, he held the water-sack strap with his teeth. The extreme blow from a mace on his head shook him severely and he tumbled off is steed and shouted to Imam Hussain. Imam Hussain contacted him with extraordinary trouble, and put his head on his lap. Hazrat Abbas then opened his eyes to cast a keep going look on the Holy Imam's face and inhaled his last.

From 'Know Your Islam' ordered by Yousuf N. Lalljee
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Favored Are you arrive that the blood of the dearest Shall Be spilled On you (Imam Ali A.s)

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Monday 15 August 2016

A Brief History of Imam Sajjad (AS)

The Fourth Imam  Sajjad 

Imam Sajjad (Ali ibn Husayn entitled Zayn al-'abidin and Sajjad) was the child of the third Imam and his significant other, the ruler among ladies, the little girl of Yazdigird the lord of Iran. He was the main child of Imam Husayn to get by, for his other three siblings Ali Akbar, matured a quarter century, year old Ja'far and Ali Asghar (or 'Abdallah) who was a suckling infant were martyred amid the occasion of Karbala. The Imam had additionally went with his dad on the voyage that ended lethally in Karbala, but since of serious ailment and the failure to convey arms or take an interest in battling he was kept from participating in the blessed war and being martyred. So he was sent with the womenfolk to Damascus. In the wake of spending a period in detainment he was sent with honor to Medina on the grounds that Yazid needed to mollify general supposition. Be that as it may, for a brief moment time, by the request of the Umayyad caliph, 'Abd al-Malik, he was anchored and sent from Medina to Damascus and afterward again came back to Medina.

The fourth Imam, after coming back to Medina, resigned from open life totally, shut the entryway of his home to outsiders and invested his energy in love. He was in contact just with the tip top among the Shi'ites, for example, Abu Hamzah Thumali, Abu Khalid Kabuli and so forth. The world class dispersed among the Shi'ah and the religious sciences they gained from the Imam. Along these lines Shi'ism spread significantly and demonstrated its belongings amid the imamate of the fifth Imam. Among the works of the fourth Imam is a book called Sahifah sajjadiyah. It comprises of fifty-seven supplications concerning the most glorious Divine sciences and is known as "The Psalm of the Household of the Prophet."

The fourth Imam kicked the bucket (as indicated by some Shi'ite customs harmed by Walid ibn 'Abd al-Malik through the impelling of the Umayyad caliph Hisham) in 95/712 following thirty-five years of imamate.

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Eleventh Zee al-Qa'adah the Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Imam Reza(A.S.)

Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (A.S.), the eighth Shi'ite Holy Imam was conceived on eleventh Zee al-Qa'adah 148 A.H. in the blessed city of Madinah. He was incredibly entitled 'Al-Reza"(meaning that Allah Almighty and His Holy Messenger (S.A.W.) were profoundly satisfied with him).The Holy Imam (A.S.) is likewise considered as the Aalim (the Greatest Erudite) of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.). Heavenly Imam was harmed by Mamun, the Abbasid caliph in Sanabad in Toos area (Khurasan).The Holy Imam (A.S.) accomplished affliction on the most recent day of the month of Safar 203 A.H./818 A.D. what's more, was covered in Sanabad. After the internment of Imam Reza (A.S.) in this spot, Sanabad soon changed into a city. The sacred place of worship of Imam Reza (A.S.) in the heavenly city of Mashhad is likewise a standout amongst the most broadly went by journey focus on the planet and every year more than 20 millions explorers and significant others of Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) from all parts of the world visit the blessed holy place of Imam Reza (A.S.).

On the Happy and Auspicious Occasion of the Birthday Anniversary of Imam Reza (A.S.) we augment our Heartiest Felicitations and Happy Greetings to every one of the sweethearts of the Holy Ahlul Bayt(A.S.) on the planet.
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Friday 12 August 2016

Farman Imam Jaffar Sadiq (A.s)

 Imam Jaffar Sadiq (A.s) Say About Ziyart Imam Hussain (A.s)

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Farman Imam Zamana Mehdi (A.s)

Ziyart Imam Hussian (A.S)

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Wiladat Ba Sadat Mola Imam Reza (A.S)

New Picture Of Haram Imam Reza (A.S)

                                                     Internal Look Haram


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Thursday 11 August 2016

Karbala City

 Shrine Of Imam Hussain & Imam Ghazi Abbas
 Karabal City In Iraq

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Wednesday 10 August 2016

Shrine Of Imam Reza (A.s )in Mashad Iran

Shrine Of Imam Reza (A.s )in Mashad Iran

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Internal View Zaremuthar Imam Mola Ghazi Abbas A.s Karbala Iraq

Internal View Zaremuthar  Imam Mola Ghazi Abbas  A.s
 His Brother Of Imam Hassan & Hussain a.s

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Tuesday 9 August 2016

Shrine Of Imam Hussain A.s Karbala Najaf


(History Of Imam Hussain A.s ) 

Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) was born on the 3rd of Shaban 4th Hijrah in Medinah Munawarra. His father was Ali (A.S.) and mother was Fatimah (S.A.). When the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) heard the news of Imam Hussain's birth he (P.B.U.H.) became very happy and came to the house of Fatimah (S.A.). Asma, the maidservant of Hazrat Zahra covered the child in a white cloth and brought him to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). The Prophet (P.B.U.H.), picked the child up in his lap and recited the Azaan in his right ear and Aqamat in the left one. As if, apparently, he (P.B.U.H.) made the ears of his son familiar and acquainted with the name of God for the first time. On the seventh day of the birth, an angel came from the God and he said, "Just as Haroon was the brother, sympathizer, and helper in each and every difficulty of Moosa (A.S.) similarly Ali (A.S.) is your sympathizer helper and brother in each and every matter of yours. Therefore, keep the name of this child upon the name of Haroon's son "Shabeer," which translated into Arabic becomes 'Hussain'. Thus the name of the second child of Fatimah (S.A.) was also selected by God.

On the 7th day of the birth Hazrat Fatimah (S.A.) got a sheep slaughtered as the Aqeeqa and distributed it's meat among the needy and poor.

The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) quite often hugged Hussain (A.S.) taking him into his lap and used to weep bitterly, saying, "A very big tragedy will be met by my son Hussain". The brutals and bloody men of Bani Omyaide will slay my dear son. I will not interces and mediate for them on the dooms day.
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Shrine Of Hazrat Ali In Najaf IRAQ

Shrine Of Imam Hazrat Ali (A.S) 

Hazrat Ali Karam Allah Wajhu. Hazrat Ali (A.S) is the cousin of our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). Hazrat Ali is the fourth Khalipha of Muslims. Hazrat Ali (A.S) was born on 13th Rajab ul Marjab .
 Hazrat Ali (A.s) was born on 600 AD in Qaba Tullah Sharif, Saudi Arabia. Hazrat Ali (A.S) was the son in law and the cousin of our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa Sallalaho Alaehe Wasallam.
 Hazrat Ali (A.S) was the first child who accepted the Islam. Hazrat Ali (A.S) was the son of Abu Talib and Fatima bint Asad. Hazrat was a very brave soldier. Hazrat Ali (A.S) also was a great scholar;
Huzoor Akram (S.A.W) said, “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is the main gate of City of knowledge.
After death of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W), people come to Hazrat Ali (A.S) to solve their problems. Hazrat Ali (A.S) spends all of his life in the service of Islam. The Holy Shrine of Hazrat Ali (A.S) is located in Najaf, Iraq.
 It is also known as the Mosque of Ali. Hazrat Ali (A.S) was attacked while praying in the Mosque of Kufa, Iraq. Hazrat Ali (A.S) assassination on 21st Ramzan ul Mubarak 40 Hijri , January 31, 661 Masjid e Kufa in Fajar prayers.

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New 2017 Coming Soon

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