Tuesday 9 August 2016

Shrine Of Hazrat Ali In Najaf IRAQ

Shrine Of Imam Hazrat Ali (A.S) 

Hazrat Ali Karam Allah Wajhu. Hazrat Ali (A.S) is the cousin of our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). Hazrat Ali is the fourth Khalipha of Muslims. Hazrat Ali (A.S) was born on 13th Rajab ul Marjab .
 Hazrat Ali (A.s) was born on 600 AD in Qaba Tullah Sharif, Saudi Arabia. Hazrat Ali (A.S) was the son in law and the cousin of our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa Sallalaho Alaehe Wasallam.
 Hazrat Ali (A.S) was the first child who accepted the Islam. Hazrat Ali (A.S) was the son of Abu Talib and Fatima bint Asad. Hazrat was a very brave soldier. Hazrat Ali (A.S) also was a great scholar;
Huzoor Akram (S.A.W) said, “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is the main gate of City of knowledge.
After death of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W), people come to Hazrat Ali (A.S) to solve their problems. Hazrat Ali (A.S) spends all of his life in the service of Islam. The Holy Shrine of Hazrat Ali (A.S) is located in Najaf, Iraq.
 It is also known as the Mosque of Ali. Hazrat Ali (A.S) was attacked while praying in the Mosque of Kufa, Iraq. Hazrat Ali (A.S) assassination on 21st Ramzan ul Mubarak 40 Hijri , January 31, 661 Masjid e Kufa in Fajar prayers.
