Monday 15 August 2016

A Brief History of Imam Sajjad (AS)

The Fourth Imam  Sajjad 

Imam Sajjad (Ali ibn Husayn entitled Zayn al-'abidin and Sajjad) was the child of the third Imam and his significant other, the ruler among ladies, the little girl of Yazdigird the lord of Iran. He was the main child of Imam Husayn to get by, for his other three siblings Ali Akbar, matured a quarter century, year old Ja'far and Ali Asghar (or 'Abdallah) who was a suckling infant were martyred amid the occasion of Karbala. The Imam had additionally went with his dad on the voyage that ended lethally in Karbala, but since of serious ailment and the failure to convey arms or take an interest in battling he was kept from participating in the blessed war and being martyred. So he was sent with the womenfolk to Damascus. In the wake of spending a period in detainment he was sent with honor to Medina on the grounds that Yazid needed to mollify general supposition. Be that as it may, for a brief moment time, by the request of the Umayyad caliph, 'Abd al-Malik, he was anchored and sent from Medina to Damascus and afterward again came back to Medina.

The fourth Imam, after coming back to Medina, resigned from open life totally, shut the entryway of his home to outsiders and invested his energy in love. He was in contact just with the tip top among the Shi'ites, for example, Abu Hamzah Thumali, Abu Khalid Kabuli and so forth. The world class dispersed among the Shi'ah and the religious sciences they gained from the Imam. Along these lines Shi'ism spread significantly and demonstrated its belongings amid the imamate of the fifth Imam. Among the works of the fourth Imam is a book called Sahifah sajjadiyah. It comprises of fifty-seven supplications concerning the most glorious Divine sciences and is known as "The Psalm of the Household of the Prophet."

The fourth Imam kicked the bucket (as indicated by some Shi'ite customs harmed by Walid ibn 'Abd al-Malik through the impelling of the Umayyad caliph Hisham) in 95/712 following thirty-five years of imamate.
