Tuesday 16 August 2016

History Hazrat Abbas Alamdar (A.S.)

Hazrat Abbas was the child of Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib. His mom's name was Fatima, who was otherwise called "Ummul Banin". She was the little girl of Huzam Ibne Khalid, a renowned individual of the Kalb-a tribe, which was recognized for it gallantry.

Hazrat Abbas was conceived in Medina on seventh Rajab 26 A.H. At the point when the news of his introduction to the world came to Hazrat Ali, he prostrated himself on the ground as a token of his modest on account of Allah. Imam Hussain took the child in his arms and discussed the Azan and Eqamat (call for supplications) in his privilege and left ears individually. At that point the new-conceived child opened his eyes to see the substance of Imam Hussain, before taking a gander at any other person. On the seventh day of his introduction to the world, the service of Aqeeqa (which is one of the underscored sunnats) was performed and Hazrat Ali named him Abbas

Hazrat Abbas was a towering and good looking identity. His dauntless boldness, preeminent certainty and undeterred reliability earned him numerous titles. He was called "Qamar-e-Bani Hashim" (the moon of the Hashemites), as a result of his forcing appearance.

His astounding horsemanship made him "Syed-ul-Forosan" (the head of horseman). His capacity to lead individuals brought about his being called "Rais-ul-Shujan" (the pioneer of the valiant), and the way in which he yielded his life earned him the title "Afzal-ul-Shohada" (the choicest of the saints) and "Saqqa" (water bearer), since he relinquished his life with an end goal to obtain water for Imam Hussain's youngsters in the sad clash of Kerbala. He completely satisfied his name Abbas, which in Arabic stands for Lion.

Hazrat Ali, who himself was known as the "Lion of God", raised Hazrat Abbas and capably guided him until he was fourteen years of age. The following ten years of Hazrat Abbas' life were spent under the cautious eye of Imam Hasan, and the most recent ten years with Imam Hussain. Subsequently it was no little ponder that Hazrat Abbas procured close flawlessness in such a variety of parts of life. His chivalry, intensity and bold standpoint were acquired from Hazrat Ali. Imam Hasan showed him persistence and resistance. His lion-hearted reliability and benevolent nature were the aftereffects of his relationship with Imam Hussain.

Imam Jafer Sadiq (A.S.) has said: "I take the stand, Abbas, that you have achieved the peak of flawlessness in the matter of self-abdication, devotion and dutifulness.

Imam Zain-ul-Abedeen (A.S.) has said: "May Allah shower His gifts on my uncle Abbas. The way in which he set out his life for his sibling, Imam Hussain, indicated preeminent selflessness. He battled valiantly to ensure Imam Hussain, and it was simply after he lost both his arms that he fell. Allah re remunerated him by giving upon him in paradise, two wings to fly with. Verily, the spot of Hazrat Abbas before Allah is high to the point, that every one of the saints will begrudge him on fates day"

Hazrat Ali's longing was to guarantee that Hazrat Abbas lectured the religion of Islam and served the prophet's family. Hazrat Abbas saw his first fight when just eleven. This was the clash of Siffen. One day he showed up completely camouflaged, conceal and defensively covered, on the front line. At the point when Ibn-e-Shasa, a courageous and popular Syrian warrior saw the conceal individual, he solicited one from his seven children to kill him. Rather, the child was rapidly put down. So also, the other six children attempted to battle this conceal warrior, however they all met the same destiny. At long last, Ibn-e-Shasa himself approached and the way in which he was likewise beaten, made the various individuals gaze in dismay. At that point they thought his covered warrior to be Hazrat Ali, and nobody set out to approach and battle. Be that as it may, when Hazrat Abbas evacuated the cover, individuals were astounded to note that he was not Hazrat Ali, but rather, the inheritor of Hazrat Ali's courage.

Hazrat Abbas' commitment, appreciation and friendship for Imam Hussain was deep to the point, that he used to love the very ground Imam Hussain strolled on. Truth be told, it is said that he used to apply to his eyes, the dust from Imam Hussain's feet. He hated anybody coming first in serving Imam Hussain. Indeed, even as a youthful youngster, he kept others from serving Imam Hussain. It is said that once Imam Hussain, was available with his Holy father Hazrat Ali in the mosque of Kufa, felt parched and requested water from Qamber (a surely understood and dutiful worker of Hazrat Ali). at the point when Qamber rose to bring the water, Hazrat Abbas who was then an extremely youthful kid, requested that Qamber quit, saying that he would himself bring the water for his lord.

He stayed adjacent to Imam Hussain as far back as they cleared out Medina and he was adored by every one of the individuals from the Imam's family. He was so dedicated to Imam Hussain, that when Shimr Ibne Ziljoshan, the second in charge of Yazid's armed force came towards Imam Hussain and got out: "Where are my nephews, Abbas, Abdullah, Jafar and Utman?" Hazrat Abbas declined to try and answer. It was simply after Imam Hussain let him know: "Answer him, on the grounds that, regardless of the way that he is degenerate, he is one of your relations", that Hazrat Abbas asked Shimr what he needed. Shimr answered: "O my nephews I have extraordinarily approached Obaidullah Ibne Zaid for the wellbeing of all of you. So why do you wish to execute yourselves with Hussain? Why do you not join the strengths of the compelling Yazid?"

Hazrat Abbas took a gander at him with hatred and countered, "May Allah's fierceness fall upon you and your suggestion, O adversary of God! How could you advise us to abandon our lord, Imam Hussain and tie ourselves up with the degenerate and confused Yazid?" Shimr pivoted and left indignantly.

Finally the fight began and the mates of Imam Hussain, vigorously dwarfed by the adversary, started to fall. The three siblings of Hazrat Abbas: Abdullah, Jafar and Uthman, and also Hazrat Abbas' two children, Fazl and Qasim, battled with uncommon valor before being executed.

The cries of water brought by the youngsters up in Imam Hussain's camp upon the arrival of Ashura, profoundly lamented Hazrat Abbas. Subsequent to taking authorization from Imam Hussain, he took the void water-narrows of Janab-e-Sukaina, the girl of Imam Hussain, and rode towards the stream Euphrates. Slicing through the general population of Yazid's armed force, he raced to the bank of the stream, filled the pack with water, and began towards the camp. Yazid's armed force surrounded the courageous Hazrat Abbas. He kept the water-pack in one hand and began battling with the other. At the point when both his hands were disjoined, he held the water-sack strap with his teeth. The extreme blow from a mace on his head shook him severely and he tumbled off is steed and shouted to Imam Hussain. Imam Hussain contacted him with extraordinary trouble, and put his head on his lap. Hazrat Abbas then opened his eyes to cast a keep going look on the Holy Imam's face and inhaled his last.

From 'Know Your Islam' ordered by Yousuf N. Lalljee
